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We LoveFood is a page love to share different country food recipes and we hope you'll love it too.If any Suggestion or NEW idea want to share.Please feel free to contact us.

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Since 2017

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Place of origin :

- France

Main Ingredents :

- Butter

- Flour

- Milk

Ingredent :

- 60g unsalted Butter

- 1/3cup Plain flour

- 4cups full cream Milk

- Salt & Papper

Method :

1. Add butter into a saucepan in low-medium heat.

2. When butter melted and flour to make roux in yellow colour.

3. Remove from heat ,add 1cup of milk ,reduce heat.

4. Retune to heat and stirring.

5. Repeat No.3 and No.4 until use all milk.

6. Seasoning with salt & papper.

7. Use sieve to let it more soomth.

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