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We LoveFood is a page love to share different country food recipes and we hope you'll love it too.If any Suggestion or NEW idea want to share.Please feel free to contact us.

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Japanese style half cook egg

Japanese style half cook egg

Place of origin :

- Japan

Main Ingredents

- Egg

- Sake

- Soy sauce

- Mirin

Ingredents :

- 5Eggs

- 40ml Sog sauce

- 60ml Mirin

- 100ml Sake

- A little Sugar

Method :

1. Boiling water in pot.Add egg into the pot for 6mins.

2. put into a saucepan with water and ice must cover the egg.

3. Leave for 5mins and remove the shell.

4. Use a container , add soy sauce ,mirin ,sake ,sugar and egg.

5. Put into fridge for over night.

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