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We LoveFood is a page love to share different country food recipes and we hope you'll love it too.If any Suggestion or NEW idea want to share.Please feel free to contact us.

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Japanese style pudding

Japanese style pudding

Place of origin :

- Japan

Main Ingredents :

- Egg

- Milk

- Sugar

Ingredents :

- 200ml Milk

- 25g Brown sugar

- 2 Eggs

- 1 Vanilla bean

Method :

1. Low heat the milk in saucepan , add sugar ,Vanilla bean seed & stick together.

2. Until the sugar melted remove from heat and put into cold water to cool down.

3. Milk have to use sieve to remove Vanilla stick.

3. Egg mixing will and use sieve.

4. Add egg to the milk saucepan mixing well and put to a container you want to use.

5. keep in fridge for servel hour.

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